Once upon a time in Texas, there was a girl with an appetite and a dream...


It'll make you stronger

These are my niece and nephew. He gets his incredible blanket-covering superpower from just one bowl of pasta e fagioli...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Tracie, I just had to laugh when I read this in one the previous posts...there just aren't enough blogs written by American women living in Italy. Just before I read it, I was telling my husband that there are tons of american females married to italian guys in this country. Well maybe tons was stretching it a bit but yowser! There ARE many of us!

Welcome aboard to the blogging bandwagon!

1/27/2006 7:22 AM

Blogger Tracie P. said...

hey rowena, just go south of rome, and we american women become a little more rare! it's a shame though, it's gorgeous here...

1/27/2006 12:17 PM

Blogger Ann said...

Just wanted to say hi, from another american gal married to an Italian living near Milano.

2/21/2006 7:08 AM


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