Multicultural learning through futbol

Well, it just wouldn't be a site about living in Italy if I didn't talk about the Longhorns winning the Rose Bowl. Or, I guess you could say that it wouldn't be a site about a University of Texas alumnus living in Italy and being home and able to witness the glory that was the Rose Bowl game, if I didn't gloat about having won that very well played and historically significant Rose Bowl championship game. (I am the queen of run-on.) As I watched the game at my friend Misti's house, I couldn't help but survey and compare male football watching behavior in the U.S. to male "futbol" watching behavior in southern Italy. This is what it looks like:
TEXAS: loud game on, men yelling, yelling men drinking many large beers
ITALY: loud game on, men yelling, yelling men drinking many tiny coffees
The post-game effects of these copiously consumed substances would be as follows:
TEXAS: loud post-game on, men yelling, yelling slurring men accidentally putting someone's eye out with mis-fired high fives
ITALY: loud post-game on, men yelling, yelling nervous men accidentally putting someone's eye out with overly-zealous Italian gesticulating
ciao. ho trovato il tuo blog per caso. molto carino. Capisci quello che sto scrivendo? sei italiana o ti piace l'Italia e basta? :)
1/21/2006 5:54 PM
Great site!! Love the title!
1/23/2006 8:23 PM
I love the picture of the big hand making the longhorn sign (since we all know what that means in Italy). I about fell off of my chair one day when the Italian news showed Mrs. Bush flashing the long horn sign as the Texas University Band marched pass her. My husband couldn't believe his eyes! Too funny. At least the newsman was nice enough to explain what it means in America so the Italians didn't think she was flipping everyone off!
Welcome to the world of blogs! Can't wait to read more.
1/30/2006 1:21 AM
Hey, you should come over t Blighty and see our soccer fans lose it with with 5+ pints of beer inside them!
1/30/2006 3:06 PM
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