Once upon a time in Texas, there was a girl with an appetite and a dream...


You know you've seen too many yachts when...

...you call that 80 foot boat at the end of the dock "the small one."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Tracie and congratulations on the new gig. How do you like it? Have you met many interesting people? How's the tan coming along? Wish you all the best.

6/18/2006 2:34 PM

Blogger Sicilian said...

So glad you posted. . . . was worrying that some big boat wisked you off to some exotic place. . .

6/19/2006 12:51 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...


6/19/2006 4:28 AM

Blogger Unknown said...

oh goooshhh that IS SMALL!!

-yea i wish...

6/19/2006 1:51 PM

Blogger Secret Mommy said...

Can't wait to hear stories and stuff! :-)

6/19/2006 11:37 PM

Blogger Tracie P. said...

hey girls! thanks for sticking around :)

6/20/2006 3:38 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Never mind enjoying yourself - get back to your computer and suffer with the rest of us!

6/20/2006 8:23 AM

Blogger Susan in Italy said...

Hey, you must be having fun!

6/20/2006 4:16 PM

Blogger Doll Face said...

LOL! Love it!

6/20/2006 10:38 PM

Blogger Dear AL said...

Hey! So what did you think of the Yacht? It belongs to my 4 year old daughter.

6/21/2006 5:15 AM

Blogger Darbs said...

Yeah...I think that would classify you has having seen one too many yachts...LOL

6/22/2006 7:39 AM

Blogger Turtle Guy said...

I remember visiting the yacht club in Seattle with my cousin's wife and their little girl. The only reason we were there is that her dad had a lifetime membership. Looking out over the water seeing all the boats, I was more impressed with the NUMBER rather than the SIZE, but still.

Good to have you back!

6/23/2006 5:27 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi tratra i miss you and love you.

6/23/2006 10:06 AM

Blogger Tracie P. said...

emi--me too!!

6/24/2006 9:58 AM


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