Once upon a time in Texas, there was a girl with an appetite and a dream...


Did someone say birthday?

Today is the fourth of July and you know what? Nobody in Italy cares. Can you believe that? HA. I guess I might see some fireworks if Italy wins the game against Germany--if I watch the game, I might even see a Hamburger...

Anyway, today is also my nephew's 5th birthday. Happy Birthday Brady!! If you want to see a picture of him displaying his superpowers, click here.

I miss you! And you too Emi :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That was so sweet!

7/04/2006 1:07 PM

Blogger Edward said...

4th of July... Suddenly the life italian doesn't seem quite so sweet.

You can live vicariously through me. We had a road rally/scavenger hunt. Then ate fatty grilled foods until out eyes were swimming. Then played well into the morning, punctuated by the occassional fireworks use at about 10 pm or so.

7/05/2006 9:12 AM

Blogger A Novelist said...

I hope you had a nice holiday anyway. :)

7/05/2006 12:14 PM

Blogger Turtle Guy said...

Well, who really cares about the fourth? It's the first that counts, right? (hee hee... spoken as a true Canadian, Eh?)

Glad to see you're still on top of things in the Ol' Country!



7/06/2006 8:47 AM

Blogger Dear AL said...

Happy Belated Birthday Brady!

Tracie, don't u wuv meh any more? :(

I'll be ok, just have a nice weeekend! :)

Today is not the 4th of July! :P

7/07/2006 11:36 AM

Blogger Dayngr said...

Happy Birthday Brady! I have the cutest girl for you.. Ok, granted she just turned one on the 3rd but maybe when you two are a little older... HAPPY BIRTHDAY AMERICA!

7/07/2006 12:02 PM

Blogger lettuce said...

Sounds as though your job is going brilliantly.


7/10/2006 3:33 PM

Blogger Annie said...

I have relatives in Italy. Trieste to be exact. Today they are probably going crazy because the Italians won!!!! Long awaited I should add.
Happy Belated Birthday Brady.

Hey come visit Mixed Salad Annie sometime.

7/10/2006 8:54 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

What? No recap of the madness in Italy following that win? Tell us all about it! How did it compare to our little Rose Bowl party? :)

7/10/2006 9:44 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where are you and your funny, intelligent words? This blog reader has read all of your previous archives and they are funny as well. I have all of the comments blogs as well and they are enjoyable too. The blog world is missing you.

7/11/2006 1:48 PM


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