Once upon a time in Texas, there was a girl with an appetite and a dream...


La Mia Sirena

Here's to the flattered blush of the sea caught in the gaze of an admiring sky.
Here's to the water that softens the wind with a salty whisper.
Here's to the warmth that will return next year, allowing me to float weightless once again.
Here's to the photogenic object of my affection.
Here's to an image with the power to validate my choices when doubts render me (almost) unable to enjoy the beauty of a moment.

Here's to my island.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Tracie.

What a romantic you are! Thanks for sharing that lovely shot of your little Italian island. :)

10/27/2006 1:51 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

How beautiful. And beautifully stated!

10/27/2006 3:13 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...


10/27/2006 5:18 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

So I guess that means, ummmmm let me guess, ummmmmmm it must mean you really like it waaaaaaaaay over there in Italia. While I miss you, waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay over there in Italia I still love you and I am sooooooooo happy you are happy. Another nice picture too. It brings back good memories of our visit.

Love you and have a blessed day.

yore Pappy

10/27/2006 5:40 PM

Blogger Sicilian said...

Tracie. . .I have missed you. . . the post was beautiful. . . thanks for stopping by the blog.

10/27/2006 6:55 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, nicely done. Glad I found your blog.

10/27/2006 8:21 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

How eloquently written and a gorgeous view of your island.

So lovely. Thanks for sharing

10/27/2006 9:15 PM

Blogger miss tango said...

Simply stunning!

10/28/2006 7:53 AM

Blogger Travel Italy said...

Tracie b. - Your fotos, your words, and your father's comment reminds me of the most difficult emotions that an immigrant must rationalize. The love of what you have become and your life weigh against the emotional ties to what made you who you are.

10/28/2006 8:36 AM

Blogger nyc/caribbean ragazza said...

Tracie B.

yore pappy is hilarous :)

What a beautiful photo.

10/28/2006 11:18 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...


I have similar sentiments running through my head right now, as I am reading this in Florence where I'm spending the weekend.

10/28/2006 12:29 PM

Blogger Dear AL said...

Here I'll come to visit, if your husband doesn't mind. :)

I wont stay long, just a couple of years.

10/29/2006 4:33 AM

Blogger Darbs said...

Wow...I had no idea that you were a poet. This was absolutely beautiful...and we ALL can see where your inspiration comes from :)

What a life!

On another note, however, have you ever heard of the muscadine grape...or muscadine wine. I think it is native to the US...the Carolina's specifically...but I think it's delicious and would love to know your thoughts.

10/29/2006 7:26 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well said Tracie.

10/30/2006 7:25 AM

Blogger Shelley - At Home in Rome said...

Gorgeous, gorgeous photo. Beautiful light. And it's lovely to see how innamorata you are with your little island.
Keep it coming! (And please don't say anything good about the Rome weather. It's perfect right now.)

10/30/2006 11:36 AM

Blogger Susan in Italy said...

Beautiful words, Tracie!

10/30/2006 2:00 PM

Blogger Alfonso Cevola said...

ma, cose' mangiare?
proviamo un po di vino, no?
la vita e bella, ma ho fame!

managgia or mangia?

that is the?

10/30/2006 5:18 PM

Blogger Tracie P. said...

italian wine guy-- senza mangiare e' SEMPRE managgia

10/31/2006 2:24 AM

Blogger cammar said...

here's to mine!

11/07/2006 12:56 PM


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