Once upon a time in Texas, there was a girl with an appetite and a dream...


Men in Hardhats Bring Joy to Small Town

I would like to take a moment to remember my home-town, post hurricane Rita. The eye passed right over Orange and left a trail of damage in its wake. One of the more serious consequences of the storm was...LOSS OF CABLE. FOR OVER A MONTH. I went home to visit last year at the end of October, only to find this despicable and totally unacceptable condition existing unscathed. I wrote the following words one year ago, October 29th. To commemorate the anniversary of this event, I want to share with you my story of cable rebirth and hurricane redemption.

WOW! WE FINALLY HAVE CABLE WHICH MEANS WE FINALLY HAVE INTERNET!! Oh for the love of god it's been hard. I woke up this morning to my father's cries of, "I can watch the Sci-Fi channel!!!" It was like Christmas! Yes, my rear-end has sorely missed contact with its beloved couch. Just not a big reason for them to meet as frequently when there's no E True Hollywood Story, Real World marathon, or Food Network.

My sister got her cable 2 days ago. I saw a man hovering around the top of the telephone pole in her yard and my brother-in-law said, "Oh yeah, he's hooking up our cable." WHAT!?!? "ASK WHEN HE IS COMING TO OUR NEIGHBORHOOOOOOOOD!" Luckily I was right yesterday when, on our way home from the mall, I spotted several unmarked trucks carrying several unmarked ladders, I declared that these MUST be the cable guys. The doubters in the car with me (mom and sister) insisted that "Time-Warner" would be written on the trucks, so it can't be them. I think it is very wise not to advertise in these post-Rita times. Can you imagine, a whole region without cable and internet access for an entire month? Can you imagine what the inhabitants would do to a time-Warner caravan? I personally can just imagine kidnappings, hostage-takings,and bribings. Desperation breeds ugliness, people.

Anyway, having internet back in place can mean only one thing. More emails. SORRY! To quote my 8 year-old niece and her favorite new phrase, "I can't help it."

I have to go, my booty has to see a couch about a TV.

Heartwarming, isn't it?


Blogger Alfonso Cevola said...

non ce' rosa senza spina ;>}

10/31/2006 6:03 AM

Blogger Sicilian said...

Yep. . . . All American Texan girl .. . heartwarming.

10/31/2006 8:15 AM

Blogger Shelley - At Home in Rome said...

Of course, the flip side is that here in Italy, we don't need a hurricane to cause delays like that, eh? At my old office we waited 2 months to have Internet hooked up. Viva l'Italia!!

10/31/2006 10:43 AM

Blogger Brandy said...

Just found your blog. I'm a fellow Texan now living in Italy (Rome), and my parents live in Orange, Texas. With so much in common, I felt I had to say hello.

11/02/2006 4:18 AM


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