Once upon a time in Texas, there was a girl with an appetite and a dream...


Le Palme

Winter palm...

...summer palm

(You may remember the summer one from a previous post, there are some other Ischia pictures if you want to see them.) It won't be long before that sun is peeking through fronds again, and I'll be right there to bask in it.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hear that! I'm so ready for some hot sun, cold beer, and even colder swimming holes. Bring it on!

2/13/2007 2:15 PM

Blogger BecsLifeOnline said...

Awesome pics! :-D

2/13/2007 4:07 PM

Blogger Victoria Williams said...

Our daffodils and tulips are starting to come up.....can't wait for spring here.

2/13/2007 4:57 PM

Blogger Madelyne said...

noooooo! your summer means my winter, i'm not ready for that yet, I feel summer has just arrived

Bother palm pics are equally beautiful.

2/13/2007 11:34 PM

Blogger cammar said...


I have a wine question, but I don't want to bother here.
Would you drop me an email? cammar@xxxcammar.net (drop the xxx)


2/14/2007 12:31 AM

Blogger Drury cuzzies said...

Your blog has made us book a trip to Ischia! could you drop me an email. we are coming with kids....

2/28/2007 1:43 PM


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