Once upon a time in Texas, there was a girl with an appetite and a dream...


Lo Ammetto

Look to the right of your screen. Can you guess what's different?

That's right, I changed the "location" in my profile. I've been so neglectful of this blog that it didn't even occur to me how confusing this all could seem. Not that I have any new readers, I still (thankfully) see a lot of you from the old days in the old country.

But, I came home in December, so I guess July is the right time for reckoning. There you go, I'm here. The summary will have to stay the same for a while, as will the blog itself.

I'll eventually change it, but for now my state of inertia will continue to masquerade as laziness.

Works for me!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

PS- add another "m" to "amettere"... I know, I know, those double consonants are pesky!

7/30/2008 7:58 AM

Blogger Tracie P. said...

oh you're right!! damn.

thanks, and yu don't have to be anonomis, i aprecciate it--jist wish yoo'd hav cawt it suner

7/30/2008 8:11 AM


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