Once upon a time in Texas, there was a girl with an appetite and a dream...


La Tour d'Argent

That's my man Jeremy P, also known as DoBianchi, perusing the wine selection at one fay-miss Parisian restaurant. They emphasized that they had only French wine. (Of course! Maybe someone tried to order Opus One last week...?)

That has to be the heaviest wine "list" I HAVE EVER SEEN, and that's just the White Zin selection!

But seriously folks...

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Blogger Sicilian said...

We will wait to hear your favs. . . . It will be intersting to those of us used to the local stuff.

2/12/2009 9:17 PM

Blogger Tracie P. said...

hey sicilian! i'll be boring you at least on a weekly basis :)

2/13/2009 7:58 AM

Blogger Do Bianchi said...

I am SO GLAD we opted not to get the white zin and got the Napa cab instead. ;-)

That restaurant was everything I dreamed it would be and you looked so gorgeous... :-)

2/15/2009 5:12 PM


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