Once upon a time in Texas, there was a girl with an appetite and a dream...


I Won!

That's right, I done won me an award...an American Squirrel Wine Blog Award. Just look at that little guy!

Nominated and winning in the following categories:

Special Award for Time Elapsed between Posts: (Never thought my procrastination would be preceded by the hyphenated distinction "award-winning.")

Best Wine Blogs Pairing: my life italian and DoBianchi (This award was shared with my very own Jeremy Parzen. We actually met because of our blogs. This must be the first and best blog love story ever!)

So thank you Sgt. Sassafrass, I am honored.


Blogger Raj said...

Cool! congratulations.
came across your blog while looking for italian culture.. :)

3/02/2009 8:11 AM

Blogger Do Bianchi said...

Tracie B, I'll never forget when you added me to your blogroll. It was love at first post! :-)


It is the greatest blog love story and love story period... I'm so happy to share this award with you... :-)

3/02/2009 8:16 AM

Blogger Tracie P. said...

2B--me too! maybe one day we'll write a memoir :)

Raj--thanks for stopping by!

3/02/2009 8:19 AM

Blogger Do Bianchi said...

Love at First Post: How We Found Love through Wine Blogging

3/02/2009 8:20 AM

Blogger Tracie P. said...

2B--it will be the new rage! can we start match-making too?

3/02/2009 8:22 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

U2 better stay away from my MM service!
-Sgt. Sassafras

3/02/2009 8:38 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh this mama's heart is sooooo proud!

3/02/2009 9:27 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congrats for your awards!

These are even more Prestigious!

3/02/2009 3:30 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anna Maria

3/10/2009 11:08 AM


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