Once upon a time in Texas, there was a girl with an appetite and a dream...


Gotta love those Italian donkeys

I am completely addicted to my stat counter. I am constantly amused by what people search for on the internet, and stat counter always shows me the searches (Google, MSN, etc.) that lead to my blog.

I mean, from the privacy of one's home, one can be pretty weird. It's not just me, have a look at Mel's Diner and Chantel's site for some other examples...

Just yesterday, someone from India landed on my site by searching for nipple suckers without virus. I'm sure it loses something in the translation...

And, presumably from my post Italy: Romance vs. Reality, I had a hit from someone looking for men stinking foot revenge. Now, it's not really clear whether the person wants to get back at someone who is tormenting them with malodorous feet, or someone with funky feet is seeking revenge and using said feet as a weapon. I shall never know the answer.

Someone from Colombia searched for romance life in Italy, only to find the above post about farting men.

Italian boobs--Sorry, I'm not Italian, and my boobs are in scarce supply.

Imagine the disappointment of the person searching for relief from esophogeal spasms, only to find a love letter to my favorite grease-filled Tex-Mex breakfast. Oh the agony!

Italian donkey photos--I cannot even begin to explain that one...

The meaning of mangia--to that person/people (it is a repeated search): IT MEANS EAT!! Mangiare is the infinitive of "to eat" and mangia is the third person singular, and also the imperative. I hope you're happy now.

I am sorry for those of you who seek and find neither donkeys, nor boobs--cures, nor revenge. But if you are looking for a virus-free, wine drinking donkey with stinky feet who likes to romance Italian women while eating Tex-Mex, look no further! Your search will surely lead you here... :)


Blogger Ida said...

i am addicted to mine too! :-) i don't get that many interesting keywords though...

sorry to disappoint, but i actually got here from clicking on "next blog".

4/13/2006 6:12 AM

Blogger Miss Kim said...

That's hilarious! I'm sure all of us with statcounters are often found shaking our heads in disbelief over these weird searches. But then again so are the people doing the searches who end up at our blogs!

4/13/2006 6:18 AM

Blogger Tracie P. said...

great! i'm glad you clicked :)

4/13/2006 6:19 AM

Blogger nyc/caribbean ragazza said...


4/13/2006 8:04 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tra you see why I miss you so much. Not only do I miss your cooking, beautiful smile, your hugs, but also your sense of humor. You never fail to make me laugh. Love you, Mom

4/13/2006 8:25 AM

Blogger Unknown said...

Yeah I had some pretty outrageous searches last month. Haven't paid much attention this month, but maybe I should...

4/13/2006 9:56 AM

Blogger doppiafila said...

Ci sono ach'io, tra i fanatici del "search keyword": รจ impressionante vedere quanta gente effettivamente USA i motori di ricerca, ed evidentemente devono cliccare su un sacco di risultati, se arrivano persino sui nostri siti....
Saluti dalla Colombia, Doppiafila

4/13/2006 10:08 AM

Blogger Unknown said...

Ha, ha!! That's great about the Italian Donkey's. Who knew they were so versatile.


4/13/2006 12:36 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

haha- i can TRY to explain the italian donkey... maybe "Dominick the Donkey"?? you know that song?? well anyway its big in NYC for christmas

4/13/2006 1:15 PM

Blogger Susan in Italy said...

I got here searching for a recipe for "fresh fava beans". A (relatively) famous food blogger, Julie Powell wrote about 5 posts about all the people who landed at her blog after searching for "Nigella Lawson ass". I need to get me one of those counters, what a hoot!

4/13/2006 1:54 PM

Blogger lettuce said...

oh yes, I'll be getting one of those in no time.

thanks for a great laugh

4/13/2006 2:34 PM

Blogger Lori said...

where do you get the counter from? I see this providing good entertainment :D

4/13/2006 3:05 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

mmmmmmmmmm. Somehow that is not quite the same but it is reassuring. Love Mom

4/13/2006 4:56 PM

Blogger Lotus Reads said...

True! Only yesterday I was telling my friend that the site tracker was pure entertainment :)

Great post - thanks for the chuckle!

4/14/2006 7:13 PM

Blogger Dayngr said...

And speaking of Mangia... my mother's maiden name is Mangiaracina. I'm sure somewhere in there all that grape eating led to grape stomping or vice versa!

4/16/2006 1:52 AM


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