I wanted to write a little about the World Cup, and I'm only a few days late! Wow, I'm getting good at this posting-once-a-year-thing. As many of you know, Italia won the world cup and I can say that it is almost--almost as exciting as when my
Texas Lonhorns won the Rose Bowl National Championship gameWOOOHOOO! (Sorry, that memory never fails to elicit an enthusiastic woohoo from the alumnus in me.)
So, as one would expect from a bunch of excitable Southern Italians, this game against France did not go unnoticed, uncursed, un-gesticulated, and finally, uncelebrated. No, no no. There was screaming, incessant horn-honking, small street bombs, and waving, waving hands--all with a small touch of island mayhem. That's my Italy!
And just to prove to you how much Italians love them some soccer, I took a few pictures.

They decided to set up a projector. Doesn't white wash just scream SOCCER?
Finally when it was dark enough, they decided to project the game onto the house across the street.
Look mom, we won! And there we are, in a state of post-game bliss.
I made friends with a newly-wed couple from London...nothing like soccer and wine to forge new friendships.
And there's our Mario, doing his celebratory flexes.

Just look at this little guy and his green and red wig...watching the post-game wrap-up.
That's it. I hope to be posting more regularly, I've uploaded some photos into a computer so that should eliminate one excuse. BUT, I'm sure I can find another one, I'm good at that.